10 Reasons People Care About Accessibility

I don’t know why you are reading this blog, but I there are a number of reasons that people become interested in accessibility issues. Do any of the below categories sound familiar to you or maybe someone you have worked with? Presented with no authority and in no particular order:

Why do you care about accessibility?

  1. Following the Crowd. My favorite A-list blogger keeps talking about accessibility and I don’t want to be left behind.
  2. Curiosity Killed the Cat. Enough about alt tags already, what’s the big deal with accessibility?
  3. Working for a Living. My boss cares and therefore so do I.
  4. The Plaintiff will now Approach the Bench. The lawyer guy keeps telling me that I need to care about accessibility.
  5. Me, Myself and I. I have a disability- I create accessible sites so that I can use them.
  6. We are Family. I have a family member/friend with a disability.
  7. We are the World. You know, “It’s true we’ll make a better day. Just you and me”.
  8. Powerful Market Forces. Why on earth would I make my site harder for customers to use?
  9. Pride cometh Before the Fall Of course my site is accessible, it also validates as XHTML Strict, I have never used a table in my life and I read W3C meeting minutes for fun.
  10. I don’t. Oh, okay- fine. (there- that makes 10).

Any others you would add to the list?

As long as a web developer is motivated to create an accessible site, does it matter what their motivation is?

  1. 11. Dyscalculia

    5 – 9 are the reasons I work in accessibility.