The Future of Curb Cut… (and anyone looking for a job?)

You’ve likely noticed there hasn’t been much happening around here lately, here’s why. I recently accepted a position working in the area of spirituality and disability- instead of focusing on accessible distance education, I’m turning my focus to accessible religion. If any of your are interested in the topic, let me know, but be aware that I may tell you more than you really want to know =)

The good news is, Curb Cut will live on through other staff at the Institute for Community Inclusion including (hopefully) my future replacement. Along those lines, if you any of you are interested in working for an incredible organization that really places accessibility at the top of their priority list, let us know– it’s a great place to work, I’ll post the official job description when it is ready.

I suppose a long and lengthy goodbye would be inappropriate since most of you likely don’t really care who writes to the blog as long as there is something written, but thanks for stopping by, it has been a pleasure.

*You’ve also likely noticed that comments have been turned off for the time being, we’ll let you know if that changes in the future. I’ll leave them on this post unless/until comment spam becomes to big of a problem.

  1. I’ve certainly learned a thing or two here. Thanks, and Happy Trails!