Read Speaker

A server-based product that reads the text on a website and requires no plugin. It also reads Word, RTF and PDF documents. You can try the service out by clicking on the ‘SayIt’ botton on the ReadSpeaker site. From their website:

The Mission of ReadSpeaker is to make the “miracle of the Internet” accessible for dyslexics, people with learning disabilities, low literacy level, people with English as a second language, elderly with impaired vision and others that like to listen as well as read.

I’m not quite sold on their claim that “ReadSpeaker will make your website accessible for more people than any other accessibility measurement that you put in place,” but I don’t suppose it could hurt. Fortunately they do recommend that you follow the W3C/WAI guidelines as well. I couldn’t find any pricing information, but you can contact them for a free trial and price quote


  1. Alphonso says:

    The problem with ReadSpeaker is that every website has to buy a license. It’s a server based solution, not a client based solution, means there are millions of customers for ReadSpeaker (all websites in the world), but also millions of inaccessible sites (websites that prefer not to buy a license).

    I see more in client-based solutions (Screenreaders or braille display) combined with accessible design. ReadSpeaker, thanks for giving people the idea that they are accessible, while – in most cases – they’re not!