The Great Big List from the 2011 CSUN International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference
Below is a collection of reviews, presentations and other links the from the 2011 CSUN International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference. If you have anything that I’ve missed, let me know at @mactoph or I’ll keep adding stuff as long as I get it.
Overall Conference Experiences
- CSUN11, the Tribe Vibe and the big Web Accessibility debate by Sandi Wassmer
- CSUN 2011, compte-rendu des conférences (French) by Denis Boudreau
- CSUN 2011: The Techies Review by Kiran Kaja, Ricky Enger, Robin Spinks and Léonie Watson
- CSUN 2011 Web Highlights by Léonie Watson
- CSUN 26th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego by Denise Wood
- CSUN: A recap from the week in San Diego by Curtis Chong
- My First CSUN by Nate Ebrahimoon
- My March Madness from John Foliot
- Notes from #CSUN11 by Joshue O Connor
- Tech Chat 94: CSUN 2011 Highlights and Disappointments by Jeffrey Stark, Darrell Shandrow and Mark Taylor
Pre-Conference Sessions and Keynote
- Accessibility of HTML5 and Rich Internet Applications by Jared Smith, Jonathan Whiting, Hans Hillen, and Steve Faulkner
- The iPad and iPod Touch in the Special Needs Classroom (Slideshare) by Mark Coppin, Luis Perez and Mark Dohn
Presentations and Notes from Wednesday through Friday Sessions
- Accessibility in Brazil and Mexico; Challenges Faced and Obstacles Overcome (Web presentation) by Lucy Gruenwald and Marisol Miranda
- Accessible Analytics: Complex Charts, Large Datasets, and Node Diagrams (PDF) by Brian Cragun and Andi Snow-Weaver
- Accessible HTML5 Media Players, Captions, Audio Description, and Search (PowePoint) by Terrill Thompson (also available as a PDF)
- Accessible Travel: Evolving the Practice of Providing Geo-Data Services to Improve Mobility (PDF) by Bill Curtis-Davidson, Eric Lipp, Aaron Steinfeld, Jim Tobias and Tom Wlodkowski.
- Advancing Mobile Usability and Web Access for Everyone (PDF) by Brian Cragun, David Dracoules
- Advisory Commission on Accessible Instructional Materials in Postsecondary Education Update Session (PowerPoint) by Gaeir Dietrich
- (Notes from Christopher Phillips)
- AT Consults through Web Conferencing: The Future of AT Services (Slideshare) by Mystie Rail and Fred Tchang
- Building IT Accessibility Awareness and Community Using the Barcamp/Unconference Format (Web presentation) by Jennison Asuncion, James Timony and John F Croston
- Bookshare: Supporting Undergraduate Research with Full Text Search (Web presentation) by Cherie Miller
- Building Fully Accessible Social Software and Rich Web Applications with WAI-ARIA (PDF) by Damian Chojna, Matt King and Rich Schwerdtfeger.
- Cloud Computing & Learning Disabilities (Slideshare) by Shilpi Kapoor
- Collaborative Web Accessibility Improvement System: A Real-World Deployment (PDF) by Hiroshi Morimoto and Hironobu Takagi (Video)
- Comparing Notetakers and Mainstream Alternatives by Anne Taylor and Michael Barber (Notes from Christopher Phillips)
- Creating Accessible ePub Documents for the iPad (Slideshare) by Mark Coppin and Luis Perez
- ePub Basics demo video
- Making Images Accessible in ePubs Exported from Pages demo video
- DAISY 101 (PowerPoint) by Gaeir Dietrich
- Designing for Digital Outcasts: Innovations in Accessibility (Web Presentation and PDF) by Kel Smith
- Distance Education for Visually Impaired Students: Recommendations Based on a Case Study (Slideshare) by Pablo Rebaque-Rivas and Llorenç Sabate-Jardi
- DISTCHA: an attempt to kill CAPTCHA (Web presentation) by Vincent François & Samuel Sirois
- Effective Video Captioning Using Collaborative Editing (PDF) by Reiko Nagatsuma, Kohtaroh Miyamoto, Takashi Saitoh.
- How IBM is making Web applications more accessible with WAI-ARIA (PDF) by David Todd.
- How to Control Your Finances with Accessible Tools on Yahoo! Finance (Slideshare) by Ted Drake and Dirk Ginader.
- HTML5 Accessibility (Slideshare) by Ted Drake.
- HTML5 Accessibility Panel (PDF) by Steve Faulkner, John Foliot, Rich Schwerdtfeger and Cynthia Shelly.
- How to Eat an Elephant: Tackling Web Accessibility in a Large Corporation (Slideshare) by Elle Waters and Lisa Barnett
- IBM® AbilityLab™ Digital Media Captioner & Editor (PDF) by Ali Sobhi.
- Improving Web Accessibility for the Elderly (Slideshare, speaker notes) by Roger Hudson
- Making Rich Internet Applications Accessible Through jQuery by Chris Blouch and Hans Hillen
- Internet TV, remote control, set top box, video relay and programming accessibility (PDF) by Christine Banke, Phill Jenkins and Dan Shire.
- Managing Accessibility in the Enterprise slides (Notes, Slideshare) by Karl Groves.
- Moodle – Using Open Source Software to Deliver Accessible Online Courses (Web presentation) by Brian Charlson and Mark Sadecki
- Next Generation Web Accessibility: Improvement of Usability for Disabled Users (Slideshare) by Jose Artur Antao Ortega
- Screen Reader Web Accessibility Face-off (PDF) by Jared Smith and Jonathan Whiting
- Successfully Integrating Accessibility in your Organization’s Web Development Lifecycle (Web presentation) Denis Boudreau
- The Great Equalizer: Android-Based, Open Source, Assistive Technology Software (Web presentation) by Steve Jacobs
- The Role of Engineering for Best Practices to Create an Inclusive World (Slideshare) by Srinivasu Chakravarthula
- Universally-Designed Tools and Strategies for Struggling Students (Slideshare) by Kirk Behnke and Cecilia Robinson
- The Web Accessibility Game Plan by Jennison Asuncion, John Foliot, Jared Smith and Sandi Wassmer (Notes from Jared Smith).
- Unifying Video Captions and Text-Based Audio Descriptions (PDF) by Masatomo Kobayashi.
- Yelp & Co. – Getting Access Information through Social Networks and Apps (Slideshare) by Christiane Link
Lots of great Twitter conversation throughout, the official hashtags was #csun11.
- CSUN Tweetup
- Twapper Keepr archive of #csun11 hashtag (Thanks Kathleen Wahlbin!)
- CSUN11 Twazzup Page
- Google index of #csun11 tweets with images
Thursday Night Tweetup
- Lightening Talk on the Accessible Twitter Update (Google doc, web presentation, Slideshare) by Dennis E. Lembrée
- Next Generation Web Accessibility: Improvement of Usability for Disabled Users (Slideshare) by Jose Artur Antao Ortega
- Brandon T. discusses CSUN and his AAC device
- Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure
- HTML5 Accessibility: A Short Video Interview with Jonathan Whiting from Ted Drake
- Money Reader at CSUN 11 Demo
- Seeking Feedback for the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Programming Accessibility Act Vieo by Ted Drake
- $19.99 ZoomReader OCR for iPhone 4 and iPod touch submitted to Apps Store and coming Soon by SeroTalk
- 2 Interviews with Code Factory on Mobile Accessibility for android, TVSpeak 1.0 and Mobilespeak 5 for Symbian Series 3 by SeroTalk
- A Graphite Cane Advantage by Blind Bargains
- A Laptop with a Built-in Braille Display by Blind Bargains
- A More Compact Seika by Blind Bargains
- A Preview of the 6dot Braille Labeler by Blind Bargains
- A Remodeling for Gnome Audio by Blind Bargains
- AmbuTech Announces $120 iGlasses That Vibrate When Objects Are Nearby by SeroTalk
- APH Rebirths Wayfinder Access as AviNav by Blind Bargains
- AT&T Phones for the Less Tech Savvy, Android ATrix with Laptop dock, GlowCap Medication Alerts and Accessibility Advisory Panel by SeroTalk
- APH Releases Talking PC Maps Based on Sendero Maps by Blind Bargains
- The Accessible Blio Reader by Blind Bargains
- Ambutech’s Vibrating Glasses by Blind Bargains
- Braille 2000 translation/production software by SeroTalk
- CAIT Aiming to Introduce More Affordable Technology by Blind Bargains
- Clarity CCTVs and Amplified Phones by SeroTalk
- A CCTV and OCR in One by Blind Bargains
- Clearreader+ Gets Feature Packed Audio by Blind Bargains
- Compusult: Workplace Adaptation, Wheelchair Trays and Switch Control boxes by SeroTalk
- Demoing the RFB&DiPhone App by Blind Bargains
- Dolphin Swimming with Updates by Blind Bargains
- Final 19 CSUN 2011 Interviews by SeroTalk
- Free Phones for Disabled California Residents by Blind Bargains
- Gnome 3.0 by SeroTalk
- Hands-on with DocuScan Plus and the HoverCam Document Camera by Blind Bargains
- Hands On with Talking PC Maps by Blind Bargains
- Hands On with the Electronic Brailler by Blind Bargains
- Internet Radio on a Plextalk Pocket by Blind Bargains
- Interpretype Facilitates Communications with Deaf, Deaf-blind and speech Disabled by SeroTalk
- Interpretype Facilitates Communications with Persons who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Speech Disabled by SeroTalk
- Interview with GW Micro on Official Release of Window-eyes 7.5 Audio
- Latest BlueTooth Braille Displays from EuroBraille sas of France by SeroTalk
- Latest Low vision Products from Humanware by SeroTalk
- LookTell Money Identifier and Exciting Future Project by SeroTalk
- LookTel Taking the World by Storm by Blind Bargains
- Orion SmartBook Running Android from LevelStar by SeroTalk
- Plextalk Pocket Now Supports Podcasts, Internet Radio, .DOCX, OpenLibrary, Text Notes, More by Blind Bargains
- Print and Braille Together with the Braille and Print Audio by Blind Bargains
- SeroTalk Speaks with AbleNet at CSUN 2011 by SeroTalk
- SeroTalk Speaks with Access enginuity at CSUN 2011 by SeroTalk
- Speaking of Mobile Speak Improvements Audio by Blind Bargains
- Speaking Highly of Website Accessibility by Blind Bargains
- Stem Stumper Game Headed to iOS by Blind Bargains
- The Long and Winding Road to NVDA Audio by Blind Bargains
- U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing Seeks Feedback for Tactile currency by SeroTalk
- Video Magnifiers from Eschenbac by SeroTalk
- Voiceye Offers Free App to Read Bar Coded Text by Blind Bargains
- What’s New from Hims Inc by SeroTalk
- Window-Eyes 7.5 Officially Released by SeroTalk
Vendors and Product Sites and News
Official List of Conference Exhibitors
- Adobe Forms Central
- Apple Accessibility
- Apple Special Education
- AT&T Highlights Accessibility Innovations at the 26th Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference (Press Release)
- Deque Systems and The Paciello Group announce a working partnership to end discrimination on the web
- Google Supporting accessibility at CSUN resources available at Google Accessibility
- Horizons for the Blind and A T Guys Join Forces to Launch Cutting Edge Product Information using Bar Codes (Press Release)
- IBM Many Eyes
- Microsoft Announces New Accessibility Offerings available at Windows Developer Center: Accessibility Overview
- Web Accessibility Toolbar 2011
Other Links & Resources
- Accessibility Camp
- Accessibility Responsibility Breakdown (WCAG 2.0)
- Before and After Demonstration: Improving a Web site using Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
- Dates for next years Conference
- Flickr CSUN 2011 Photos
- Flickr CSUN 2011 Collection from Dennis E. Lembrée
- Keynote Panel on International Accessibility and Information and Communication Technology (Notes from Christopher Phillips)
- HTML5 Accessibility
- Mobile Learning: Special Needs
- The Blind Bargains Guide to Attending #csun11 on a Budget
- Videos of How People with Disabilities use ICT
- VizWiz Automatic and human-powered services to answer general visual questions for people with visual impairments.
- Will the Good Guys ever Win in the War for Human Rights? by Sandi Wassmer
Thanks for collating and sharing all this information on CSUN – it’s great for those of us who couldn’t make it (such as myself). Very much appreciated!
Thanks for collating and sharing all this information on CSUN — it’s great for those of us who couldn’t make it (such as myself). Very much appreciated!
I like the way you linked the names of the presenters to Linked-in – great job!
Can you also add company names if available, such as IBM, Freedom Scientific, etc.?
Hey Phill- I wasn’t able to find the company name for many of the presenters, so I just added the best link I could find. That said, if you would like to me update the links to any individuals, just let me know and I’m happy to do so!
[…] a follow up to the 2011 Great Big List, below is a collection of people, ideas, presentation and other resources from the 2012 conference. […]
[…] nostalgic? The great big lists from 2012 and 2011 are also still […]
[…] nostalgic for great big lists from CSUNs past? The 2013, 2012 and 2011 Big Lists are also still […]