The Great Big List from the 2014 CSUN International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference

Below is a collection of presentations, people, and news happenings around the CSUN (California State University, Northridge) Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference. I’m a little late to the party this year and could use your help in gathering links and resources. If you see something that should be added to the list, let me know at @mactoph or New resources will be added as they come in, thank you!

Following the Conversation

You can find #CSUN14 hashtag all over the world, including Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus. You can also see #CSUN14 images, people, videos, and slide collections at Topsy, Lanyrd, and Eventifier.

You can also see the conversations happening at twazzup (Twitter login required), hashtagrify,

Conference Roundups

Conference Presentations

This is the good stuff. Presenters, please take a moment to make your slides available online and let me know at or @mactoph. I’ll make them available below.

Huge thank you to Jennifer Sutton for help in gathering presentations this year.

Attending the Conference

Events and Meetups (Formal and Otherwise)

News and Resources

Official Conference Stuff

The official conference website has all kinds of important things like a list of all the sessions and special announements. There is also a mobile version of the site at .

The DAISY Consortium has generously made the conference program and other materials available in in ePub or HTML files. The official Conference Twitter account is @CSUNCod.

Vendors, Sponsors and Exhibitors

Official directory of exhibitors and sponsors

Vendor News, Announcements and Press Releases


Feeling nostalgic for great big lists from CSUNs past? The 2013, 2012 and 2011 Big Lists are also still available.

If you know of something I have missed, or have any kind of correction please send me a note at @mactoph or and I’ll get it taken care of.

Looking for someone who can make big lists (among other things)? Christopher Phillips on LinkedIn

  1. […] The Great Big List from the 2014 CSUN International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Confe… Big shoutout to Christopher Phillips for compiling a list of the presentations, posts, slides, news, and videos from this week’s CSUN conference. […]

  2. […] has gathered a massive list of the sessions and resources. If you want everything, go there. I’m going to focus on my favourites and highlights. […]

  3. Here are the slides to my second talk: “Improve Accessibility with Performance Tuning – Page Weight Matters” –

    Same as Paul said thanks for gathering as many talks as you can in one place.

    jfc iii

  4. […] The Great Big List! on Curb Cut blog (by @mactoph) […]

  5. J.J. says:

    Thanks for including us and as always for the comprehensive roundup. It’s quite useful.

  6. […] to George Kerscher for pointing us to The Great Big List from the 2014 CSUN International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Confe… where you will find wonderful roundups of the highlights of the conference. Do you have insights, […]

  7. […] The Great Big List from the 2014 CSUN International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Confe… […]