The Great Big List from the 2014 CSUN International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference
Below is a collection of presentations, people, and news happenings around the CSUN (California State University, Northridge) Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference. I’m a little late to the party this year and could use your help in gathering links and resources. If you see something that should be added to the list, let me know at @mactoph or New resources will be added as they come in, thank you!
Following the Conversation
You can find #CSUN14 hashtag all over the world, including Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus. You can also see #CSUN14 images, people, videos, and slide collections at Topsy, Lanyrd, and Eventifier.
You can also see the conversations happening at twazzup (Twitter login required), hashtagrify,
Conference Roundups
- Accessible UX presentations at the CSUN 2014 conference from Whitney Quesenbery
- Blind Bargains #CSUN14 Audio Coverage
- CSUN 2014 round-up from Alastair Campbell (More CSUN14 Coverage from Alastair)
- CSUN 2014 wrap-up from AccessIQ
- CSUN Accessibility Conference Recap
- CSUN14 Coverage from Paul Schantz
- CSUN14 Review from WebAxe
- Live from CSUN 2014 from HiSoftware
- Report from CSUN 2014 from DIAGRAM
- Serotalk CSUN 2014 Audio Coverage
- Top Themes from CSUN 2014 From Media Access Australia
- WebAble.TV CSUN14 Coverage
Conference Presentations
This is the good stuff. Presenters, please take a moment to make your slides available online and let me know at or @mactoph. I’ll make them available below.
Huge thank you to Jennifer Sutton for help in gathering presentations this year.
- 7 Signs of Maturing in Accessibility and Inclusion (SlideShare)
- A Collaborative Pathway to an Accessible Future (Blog Post)
- A Pattern Library as a Foundational Sketch for Web Accessibility Efforts (Blog Post)
- AccDC – A Fast Route to Access for Web Applications (Word Doc)
- Accessibility and Rapid e-Learning Tools (PowerPoint)
- Accessibility as Innovation: Creating accessible user experiences (SlideShare)
Accessibility Features of HTML5 (Web Slides)
- Accessibility Features of HTML5 (Blog Post)
- Accessibility in an Agile World (Blog Post)
- Accessibility innovation through gestural and sign-language interfaces (SlideShare)
- Accessibility myths for a mobile generation (SlideShare)
- AccessU at CSUN (Blog Post)
- Achieving an Accessibility Policy at the University of California (SlideShare)
- All About Google Chrome (Blog Post)
- Android Web and Native Accessibility in 4.4 KitKat (Web Slides)
- ARIA: An End User perspective slides
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines for your accessible web (Web Slides)
- Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (Blog Post)
- Best Practices for Post-Production & Emerging Forms of Audio Description (Video)
- Better Color Contrast Analysis Through Browser-Based Image Analysis (PowerPoint)
- Browser zoom sucks for low vision users (Blog Post)
- Building an Accessibility California Online Voter Registration Web Application (Blog Post)
- Case Study: Accessible Website for Penn State University Libraries with AEM (PowerPoint)
- Copyrights and Third Party Captioning; Challenges and Solutions (Video)
- Creating Accessible Content in Microsoft Office 2010 (PowerPoint)
- Creating Accessible PDFs from Adobe InDesign (PowerPoint)
- Crowdsourcing The Accessibility Awareness Problem (Audio)
- Developing a Web Accessible Modal Dialog (PowerPoint)
- Differences in the Mobile Accessibility Frameworks for Android, iOS, and WP (Video)
- Digital Accessibility Legal Update (SlideShare)
- Factors Influencing Retention of Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education (PowerPoint)
- FCC Accessible Communications Regulations: 255 and CVAA (PowerPoint)
- How to Win the Accessibility 3-Legged Race (Blog Post)
- Implementing ARIA and HTML5 into Modern Web Applications (Blog Post)
- Improve Accessibility with Performance Tuning – Page Weight Matters (Web Slides)
- Improving accessibility without compromising user experience (Blog Post)
- Integrating Universal Design Content into University Curriculum (SlideShare)
- International Association of Accessibility Professionals
- Introduction to Accessibility Testing (Slideshare)
- Introduction to ARIA and HTML 5 – Part 1 (Blog Post)
- Invisible Visualization: Accessible Information Graphics with Web Tech (Blog Post)
- iOS vs. Android, a Web and Native App A11y Comparison (Web Slides)
- Is Testing with Screen Reader Enough? (Slideshare)
- Keynote Speaker: Mr. Tommy Edison,“The Blind Film Critic” (Video)
- Lessons Learned: Accessibility Theory vs. Implementation Reality (PowerPoint and Demonstrations)
- Making Accessibility Compliance Claims: VPATs and GPATs (PowerPoint)
- Measuring PDF Accessibility – PDF a11y Testing for the Rest of Us
- Mobile Accessibility Landscape (PowerPoint)
- Mobile Testing With the Viking & the Lumberjack (Blog Post)
- Oh Canada? An Overview of Accessibility in the Great White North (Blog Post)
- Practical ways to make your website accessible
- Quirks in Web Standards, Browsers, and Screen Readers (Blog Post)
- Reading Systems Showdown (SlideShare)
- Responsive design and accessible design (Blog Post)
- Roadmap For Making WordPress Accessible (Video)
- Roadmap to WordPress Accessibility CSUN 2014 (SlideShare)
- RSVP-iconCHAT: A Single-Switch, Icon-Based AAC Interface (Google Presentation, PowerPoint, PDF and Plain Text)
- Scaling Web Accessibility at Facebook (Blog Post)
- Scaling Web Accessibility at Facebook (Blog Post)
- Screen Readers: Limitations and Possible Improvements (Video)
- Simplifying the Web Accessibility Test Lab (SlideShare)
- Sitecues (Blog Post)
- Tapping into Touch Screens for Individuals with Tetraplegia
- The ACT Program: A Pilot Program for Bringing AAC to Acute Hospital Floors (Video)
- The anatomy of an accessible app (Blog post)
- The ARIA Technology Stack – Browsers and Screen Readers (PowerPoint)
- The Gamification of Accessibility (PowerPoint)
- The (Not So) Surprising Parallels Between Responsive Design and Accessibility (Blog Post)
- The Pros and Cons of Automated Accessibility Tools (PowerPoint)
- Things I Wish I Knew When I Started in Digital Accessibility (Web Slides)
- Truly Meaningful Use: Identifying Accessibilty Gaps in Healthcare (Web Slides)
- TVIs’ AT Proficiency and Communities of Practice: Bridging tech innovations and classroom implementation (SlideShare)
Unified Accessibility Evaluation Methodology (PowerPoint)
- Unified Accessibility Evaluation Methodology (Blog Post)
- U.S. Dept. of Labor and Accessible Workplace Technology (Video)
- Using QuickBooks as a Model for Updating Mature Software for Accessibility (SlideShare)
- WCAG evaluation methodology (Blog Post)
- What you can learn from usability testing” (SlideShare)
- Where Usability Meets Accessibility (SlideShare)
- Why Browser Zoom Sucks for Low Vision Users (SlideShare)
- WordPress tweetup – accessible presentations (Blog Post)
Attending the Conference
- CSUN For Newbies from John Foliot
- Tips for the CSUN Conference Newbie from Deque
- The Updated Blind Bargains Guide to Attending #csun14 on a Budget
Events and Meetups (Formal and Otherwise)
News and Resources
- Information Technology and Disabilities Journal Including an article titled Looking Back: The CSUN Conference
- Accessible Personal Health Records
- Stevie Wonder Touts Technology for Impaired
Official Conference Stuff
The official conference website has all kinds of important things like a list of all the sessions and special announements. There is also a mobile version of the site at .
The DAISY Consortium has generously made the conference program and other materials available in in ePub or HTML files. The official Conference Twitter account is @CSUNCod.
Vendors, Sponsors and Exhibitors
Official directory of exhibitors and sponsors
Vendor News, Announcements and Press Releases
- CVS Online Pharmacy Now Offers Talking Prescription Containers
- Deque Systems To Award $10,000 Amaze Grant To Fix The Web Initiative At CSUN 2014
- International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)
- Join SSB BART Group at CSUN 2014 and a list of SSB BART Group’s CSUN 2014 Presentations for Download
Feeling nostalgic for great big lists from CSUNs past? The 2013, 2012 and 2011 Big Lists are also still available.
If you know of something I have missed, or have any kind of correction please send me a note at @mactoph or and I’ll get it taken care of.
Looking for someone who can make big lists (among other things)? Christopher Phillips on LinkedIn